


为进一步促进协和各校区干部教师的专业成长,全面提升干部教师队伍的整体素质,协和教育集团于3月15日,组织开展了以“聚焦课堂 提升效能”为主题的2019协和教育集团跨校区教师专业发展日——中层干部培训活动。来自协和9个校区的100多位中层干部参加本次培训,通过工作坊的形式将专业的培训项目延展和深化到协和教育的每一层,提升干部教师职业素养,全面提高教师队伍的专业化水平,培养造就干部教师中的高层次人才。

System & Structure in Xiehe

How we organize ourselves in Xiehe


? ? ? ? “教师专业发展是教育教学不可分割的重要组成部分。只有通过不断的学习,才能提升专业教学技能,保持与日俱进的知识更新,并具备运用不断更迭的教育科技的能力。协和教师专业发展日就是为各校区的老师们提供这样一个继续学习的机会,同时也为各校区的老师们提供一个相互交流的平台。今年,我们又迎来了青浦和合肥两所校区,中外教师队伍不断壮大,承担的社会责任也越来越重。因此,我们协和集团所有中外员工更是责无旁贷,在原有的知识结构、认知系统和操作经验的基础上,不断学习和进步,为自己的成功打下坚实的基础,从而更好地适应学校和集团在未来教育发展中的需要。”

The general principal of Xiehe Education Group Maxine Lu delivered the opening speech.Professional development is accepted as an integral part of teachers’ education, because only a continual learning and training ensures a high level of expertise and enables the teachers to keep their professional skills, knowledge up-to-date, whilst also having the ability to use modern technologies. Our PD Day also provides teachers from all campuses with such an opportunity to learn consistently, a platform to interact with peers and counterparts. This year, we will have two new campuses, Qingpu and Hefei, opening soon in the coming September, so our staff team is getting ever bigger again, and therefore, more social responsibilities will be taken on with regards to our staff, both foreigners and locals. It’s necessary to continue to enrich the learning and develop professional careers with strong foundation built upon the original information, cognition and prior experience, so as to meet the requirements for our future needs.


Enrich Learning and Teaching through Innovation and Collaboration

Workshops Information

? ? ? ?协和教育集团研究部、战略发展部、质量管理部、人力资源部、市场部的各部门总监和虹桥校区中外联合副校长Clara Li、Karen Mathieson分别开出各自的工作坊,沟通本部门工作。


