
进博会 · 协和之声,探索无限可能 | 实践采访、论坛热议、跨界交流

# 01 课堂延伸——协和师生从学校走入进博会
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?这一社会实践活动不仅提升了学生的探究能力,培养了批判性思维和创新意识,还锻炼了他们的团队协作能力。通过参与社会实践和团队项目,学生们更加深刻地了解了社会需求和实际问题,增强了解决问题的能力,同时在合作中学会了共同应对挑战。

? ? ? ?11月6日,协和青浦的师生代表参加了由中华人民共和国商务部主办,中国国际进口博览局和全球化智库(CCG)承办的第七届中国国际进口博览会暨虹桥国际经济论坛“全球气候变局下的可持续贸易:挑战、机遇与合作路径”主题分论坛。在这场围绕“全球气候变局下的可持续贸易”的盛会中,师生们认真聆听了众多国际顶尖专家的精彩演讲与深入讨论。论坛中探讨的热门话题,激发了学生们对全球经济发展、绿色合作及可持续贸易的深刻思考。
? ? ? ? 作为一群专注商科与经济学科领域的高中生,他们将课堂所学的理论知识与社会实践紧密结合,努力将国际视野与本地实际相融通,以实践探索和创新思维寻求解决本地问题的有效路径。
# 02 跨界拓新——协和校长参加重要论坛,跨界拓宽了对教育与经济社会趋势之间相互关联的理解
? ? ? ? 11月7日,协和虹桥联合校长Neil Bunting、协和青浦联合校长Adam Neufield,与协和教育中心总校长卢慧文一起,参加了在上海举行的2024年中国经济社会论坛。本次论坛以“推动构建人类命运共同体,携手建设世界现代化”为主题,共汇聚了来自全球20个国家和地区的36位发言代表,围绕主题建言献策。两位联合校长在论坛结束后分别发表感言,分享了参与本次论坛的心得。

▲ 左一:Neil Bunting校长;中间:卢慧文总校长;右一:Adam Neufield校长

By Mr. Neil Bunting
? ? ? Personally, I enjoyed immensely the opportunity to meet and talk with professionals from a range of backgrounds, experiences and professions. The presentations were informative and high-quality including speakers from UK, Africa, Europe and other parts of Asia. Some of the international speakers presented in English, but a number used fluent Chinese indicating their commitment and experience working in China for a long time. All presenters spoke positively about their experiences working in China.
? ? Key take away learning for me was the importance of promoting equality and nurturing opportunity (economic globalization) for all. Lastly, the importance of developing a peaceful world recognizing and working with differences. This reminds me of the IB Mission Statement and reminds why I am an educator and care about creating the right kind of education for children irrespective of their nationality and background.

By Dr. Adam Neufield
? ? ? As an educator and school leader, I have participated in numerous educational conferences and forums over the past twenty-four years. When attending such events, you typically interact with other educators and leaders, as well as individuals from organizations or companies connected to education, such as educational services, teacher recruitment organizations, and publishers. You also engage with topics focused on the latest trends across all aspects of education. Having the opportunity to attend the China Economic and Social Forum 2024 was a refreshing and insightful occasion. I was able not only to learn about economic and social trends worldwide and how China is making significant progress in building connections and development in the region, but also to meet individuals from a wide variety of industry sectors and from many different countries.
? ? ? ?While a few individuals at the forum were connected to education, I was delighted to have the opportunity to interact with many people from around the globe who are not directly involved in the education sector. Attending this type of forum has broadened my understanding of how education is intertwined with economic and social trends, and has also served to inform me of global developments so that I can better contribute to the growth of our school, SUIS Qingpu. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the China Economic and Social Forum 2024, learned a lot at the event, and look forward to the next forum!






