
“百老汇中国第一人” 王洛勇先生携美国音乐剧学院做客协和万源



Musical Experts

协和万源美式高中注重“全人发展”,学生在艺术领域拥有浓厚的兴趣和成就。2018年3月16日,万源校区有幸邀请到世界著名演员、编剧、导演、“百老汇中国第一人”王洛勇先生和美国音乐剧学院AMDA的三位老师——国际生招生部门主管Jack Newman先生、国际生招生部门副主管Junnan Liao先生、声乐指导Christopher Stephens先生。他们不仅为万源学子描绘了美好的音乐剧世界,还为大家带来一堂有趣的音乐剧课堂。

SUIS US High School focuses on students’ art education. On March 16, SUIS Wanyuan proudly invited four musical experts – Mr. Wang Luoyong, the first Chinese on Boardway, Mr. Jack Newman, Director of AMDA (American Musical and Dramatic Academy) International Outreach, Mr. Junnan Liao, Assistant Director of AMDA International Outreach and Mr. Christopher Stephens, AMDA Vocal Coach.


Sharing the Enrollment Requirements and Policies to American Arts Institutions at College Level



The afternoon begins with a general meeting between our students, arts teachers and the musical expert team. The experts gathered information about?SUIS US High School students’ rich artistic and culture life through?short video and conversation with the students and teachers. They also introduced?the enrollment requirements and policies to American?arts institutions at college level.


A?Musical Workshop



紧接着,AMDA国际生招生部门主管 Jack Newman 先生向同学们介绍 AMDA 学校概况,如何申请、学校看中学生哪些素质等。随后,声乐指导 Christopher Stephens 先生为同学们带来了一场别开生面的音乐剧小课堂。他用新颖的方式教授大家一曲《Blue Kiss》。先用音乐曲调带同学们体会音符、节奏所勾勒的画面,然后请同学富有韵律地诵读歌词,最后将歌词填入旋律。Christopher 先生以这样的方式引导大家在乐曲中融入肢体和情感,增强演唱时的自信与表现力。


After the meeting, the three AMDA tutors conducted all the students in a vivid musical workshop. After?Director Newman’s short presentation about AMDA, the Vocal Coach Mr. Stephens?adopted an special?method to teach the?students a brand new song “Blue Kiss”. He first led students feeling the music lines, feeling the emotion behind?tuning and?rhythm; followed by a?rhythmatic text read through; after the first two steps, students found it natural and easy to put the lyrics into the melody. The?idea behind this method was to encourage students to?incorporate text and music into their bodies and emotions, thus?enhancing their confidence and expressiveness.

Student’s Reflection






All the students learned a lot from the lecture. David Cao from Grade 10 said:

Mr. Wang told us a story about how he have strived for his career in US. When he arrived in the United States in 80s, his English is no better than any others. He found that when Asians speak English we have a strong Chinese accent. However, as an actor he can’t allow his Chinese accent jeoperdize his career, so Mr. Wang started practice his English with astonishing determination. In order to correct his pronunciation, Mr. Wang used a wooden plug to practice pronunciation, but the wooden plug would rot as soon as summer came, so Mr. Wang began to pad a stone in his mouth. In order to overcome the problem of not sticking his tongue out, Mr. Wang used a bandage to pull his tongue out while he was practicing. Mr. Wang’s perseverance and courage deeply shocked me!

